Take advantage of our upcoming 30% off Fall promotion. Always 10% off for veterans and seniors!!

Robert Czajewski

I'm the guy who got tired of seeing the big problems in this industry and started Never Clog Gutters!

Let’s be realistic. You found our site because you are sick of getting on ladders several times a year and cleaning out your gutters instead of doing what you like.

I get it. I spent over five years cleaning out my gutters at least six times a year. Luckily, my home was a simple ranch and it still took me forever. I often thought about what it must be like for homeowners with multiple-story homes.

During the course of my contracting career, which by now spanned twenty years, I became involved with gutter protection companies. I sold and installed gutter protection and quickly realized how lacking the services were. Everything from the customer service to the quality of the installations left me a bit disillusioned with the business.

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